Be aware to make an informed decision to immigrate to Northern Cyprus

One of the ways to immigrate to Northern Cyprus is to buy a property, and the purchased property must be commensurate with the number of the members of your family, for instance, a family of four must buy a two-bedroom flat to be able to stay legally in Northern Cyprus. During the consultations we provide, we find that a large number of clients who were not able to afford a property and immigration as well, are present in Northern Cyprus, for example, a family of four or five has purchased a one-bedroom property. After the follow-up by the Immigration Office, we unfortunately saw that all these people are in this country with a lease, not on the basis of buying a property, and this is a great betrayal. Once your unit is ready, you can no longer take up residence on the basis of the property purchased, and you will have to renew your residence annually with a lease. If the Cyprus government one day decides not to let the members who didn’t buy a property, stay in it’s territory, then we will be the witness of expulsion of our dear compatriots leaving here.

The matter which is far more important than buying a property, is choosing an informed and honest consultant who will provide you with the right information so that one day you won’t be regretful due to the wrong decision you made by a wrong advice.

Immigrate to North Cyprus easily with us

Our consulting team Inorder to get consulting for immigration to Northern Cyprus and for more advice, call WhatsApp 00905338859906.

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